Collins is a responsible company that cares about the environment. We acknowledge that our actions have an impact on the environment and we seek to understand and minimise these impacts. As a company, we are committed to continually improving our environmental performance and to the prevention of pollution and the minimisation of resource use.
We are committed to meeting all applicable legal requirements and the full requirements of all other environmental related programmes to which we subscribe, such as FSC®(Forest Stewardship Council®) and PEFC Chain of Custody.
Our policy is, therefore, only to use raw materials from reputable, well established suppliers who are compliant with environmental legislation and procedures. As part of our commitment to the environment we are working towards achieving environmental certifications and having attained FSC® and PEFC COC certification (CU-COC-817661), to maintain and improve our chain of custody system.
- We monitor our key resource consumption and are actively seeking to reduce these.
- We are seeking to minimise waste that goes to landfills.
- We will source our paper-based products exclusively from reputable mills that follow a policy of procuring pulp from responsibly managed sources and are FSC® or PEFC certified whenever possible.
- We require all suppliers to monitor and pursue continual improvement in environmental performance
- We require all suppliers to be conducting environmental protection by complying to existing environmental legislation and regulations
- We expect them to improve the efficiency of their resource consumption
All employees are expected to cooperate and assist in the implementation of this policy and ensure that their own actions, as far as possible and practical, are carried out without risk to themselves or their environment.
To find out what products are available as FSC® certified please contact us for details.
For any further information please email us at