Journaling matters - and journals too! (Part One)
Jul 10 , 2024
Written by Nicky Torode
You’ve heard by now, no doubt, how journaling really is good for you. It’s a simple yet effective tool to help you see what you are thinking, to unjumble thoughts and find a way forward with that dilemma or challenge; journaling is a way to pause and process experiences and restore emotional balance. It can build confidence, self-compassion and motivation. And you don’t have to journal for long, or every day to feel these benefits.
But knowing that it’s good for you and doing it are two different things. We know!
So what is it that stops you beginning a journaling habit? Or even stops you continuing once you’ve started?
Often it is this one thing: the blank page.
But what if it was a blank page that you’d carefully chosen? Choosing your journal, one that you’ve selected because it suits you, can really make all the difference. But how to choose? Read this first in our blog series to discover what journals are out there and how the design engages different parts of the brain.
You’ll never have to fear the blank page again.
Journals: the ins and outs!
How a journal looks and feels impacts your ability to make journaling a micro habit! What kind invites you in? I love soft covers, slim and light weight to sling in my bag as journaling can happen anytime, anyplace.
A multitude of journals, notebooks and planners are out there that can really help words flow. Here are just a few options on layout:
Good for more free flow and creative journaling. Journaling doesn’t have to be words. It can be mind maps, sketches, shapes, collage, colours.
For example, how does your career feel now? Draw it as a shape. Then write into that shape! You can also draw flow charts, matrixes or any kind of word art.
Ruled with margin
A traditional lined page helps me see that the page is filling up and the progress I’m making. After journaling, it’s always worth scanning what’s just flown onto your page to pull out something you might want to act on. And lines help for delineating the learnings. The margin is great for marking up an action point or something surprising. You can also add a footer space, like the Cornell notes system, where you’ll have your key reflections at-a-glance.
These are good for having a single space to fill so having that end place to reach can make journaling seem more do-able. It is also good for momentum if it’s dated so you won’t feel like breaking the habit once you’ve journaled a few days straight. You can also buy undated. That way, you don’t have to journal every day and filling in the dates puts you in control of the frequency you journal. This helps overcome resistance!
This layout is good for reflecting back on the week. Not to confuse this layout with a list of your appointments. This page invites significant inner material in a tiny space. Entries such as: words that sum up Monday or three lines on what you want out of Friday.
The journaling market is exploding! You can pick guided journals which have exercises already inside and space to write in. The Dream Planner is great for capturing, mapping and tracking your goals for the year with deep-dive exercises.
Nicky Torode is a trained journaling facilitator and entrepreneurial mindset coach.
Insta @nickytorode
Photo credit: Sarah Marland Photography